Strategic Framework and Delivery

Five Pillars of Retrieval Medicine:
  1. Rapid Response: Which vehicles, and systems ensure the quickest arrival of a specialist team to the patient?
  2. Early Expert Treatment: How do we facilitate the best treatment for patients prior to transport?
  3. One Bed, One Team, One Move: How do we ensure simplicity, efficiency and safety in the transport of patients by air?
  4. Buy Time: What efforts can we make to optimize the clinical condition of patients during transport to minimize in-flight mishaps and preserve stability whilst awaiting definitive care?
  5. Focus on Definitive Care: Why are we transporting this patient, and how do we best achieve this mission in context of definitive care requirements?
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AIA is a registered Australian charity. We are independent facilitators, focussed on patient-centred improvements to communities in rural and remote Australia.  We strive to champion new futures for rural and remote healthcare with integrity and collaboration.

Photo Credit: US Pacific Fleet

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